Category Archives: Nature

Life Continues

unnamed-2I realize an hour had passed

and my mind was locked

zooming through the pandemic

news of doom and gloom

and poor Italy and its spread

but the Cubans arrived

and will yet save the day


but I suspect my day is

loss      inertia

barely able to move

from coach to fridge

desiring something to nibble

even though I’m not hungry

my eyes even assault the

blues hills that always have been

respite surely they shouldn’t seem

so proud          contended      at ease

I’ll not let this malaise consume me

I rise and walk to the veranda

why are the birds singing loudly

as they always do       a chatter

back and forth between those

in the ackee tree and the ones

in the mango tree       don’ they

know that people are dying

not the daily dying      the pandemic

dying   don’t they know the world

has stopped    schools            business

restaurants     even bars are closed

but the birds continue their engaged

chatter   the butterflies flit about

unnamed-1and the flowers are still splendid

in bloom


life indeed continues